Amphitrion Group of Companies is a leading travel and tourism organization in Greece, which commenced its operation in 1973.
Throughout its years of operation, Amphitrion has set standards for reliable, high quality and personalized services and has established specialized departments and international offices covering all travel & tourism needs on a 24-hour basis.

Our People
Great people create great business
The skilled individuals who man our company have been scouted for their impeccable credentials and the unique talents they can put to good use in your service. But more importantly, every single one of them has been chosen for the passion to create a great experience for each of our partners and clients.
Our team comprises of colleagues who combine long and diverse hands-on experience, as well as profound insider knowledge of the tourism world. Their combined strengths allow us to confidently undertake large scale operations and events. Their commitment to high quality allows us to offer absolute focus and precision in tailor made services.
We take pride in our team. Several of its members have been working with us for over 20 years, and we are convinced they have made their mark on its development and the excellent reputation Amphitrion enjoys in the tourism industry.